Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
108 lines
' Implementation of the C runtime library function StrTok(),
' a string tokenizer.
' When you call the routine the first time for a string, you
' pass the text string as the first argument, and in subsequent
' calls for the other tokens in the string you signal that you
' want more tokens from the same string by passing a null
' string as the first argument. When you do this, StrTok
' continues to work on the copy that it saved the first time
' you called it.
' For all calls, the second argument is a string consisting
' of the delimiter characters. They don't have to be the same
' for all calls, but there must be at least one delimiter char
' in the string every time you call. The basic technique is:
' text$ = "some text string, with embedded delimiters"
' delims$ = " ," 'in this case, one blank character
' 'and a comma
' token$ = StrTok$(text$, delims$)
' Do While token$ <> ""
' 'do something with the token...
' token$ = StrTok$("", delims$)
' Loop
' In this case, each of the words would be returned, one at
' a time, until the string was exhausted, and StrTok$ would
' return a null string to show that there was no more.
' StrTok$ is not reentrant; so you can't nest StrTok loops
' inside one another; when you pass a non=null string as the
' first argument, the function forgets about any previous
' string. Likewise, if in the first call the string you pass
' happens to be a null string, the behavior is unpredictable,
' and depends on whatever use you had previously made of the
' function. If there was an unfinished string in its static
' storage, you'd probably get something off that string.
' Also, this routine will do you no good if you have nested
' delimiters, such as ((a + b) * c); you need a better parser
' with some look-ahead capability to parse strings like this.
' But for simple cases, it works just fine.
DefInt A-Z
Function StrTok$ (Srce$, Delim$)
' Visual Basic implementation of the C function Strtok().
' Input:
' Srce$ - text string to be parsed (first time)
' a null string (subsequent calls)
' Delim$ - string of delimiter characters
' Function return: next token, or null string if no more
' Restrictions: not reentrant
Static Start%, SaveStr$
' If first call, make a copy of the string.
If Srce$ <> "" Then
Start% = 1
SaveStr$ = Srce$
End If
BegPos% = Start%
Ln% = Len(SaveStr$)
' Look for start of a token (character that isn't delimiter).
Do While (BegPos% <= Ln%) And (InStr(Delim$, Mid$(SaveStr$, BegPos%, 1)) <> 0)
BegPos% = BegPos% + 1
' Test for token start found.
If BegPos% > Ln% Then
StrTok$ = "" 'no more string to search
' Find the end of the token.
EndPos% = BegPos%
While EndPos% <= Ln% And InStr(Delim$, Mid$(SaveStr$, EndPos%, 1)) = 0
EndPos% = EndPos% + 1
StrTok$ = Mid$(SaveStr$, BegPos%, EndPos% - BegPos%)
' Set starting point for search for next token.
Start% = EndPos%
End If
End Function